What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a profession which is focused on spine and nerve system function. Chiropractors are registered health care professionals who are primarily focused on the joints in the spinal column and body, and how they relate to overall health, your quality of life and pain, signs and symptoms you may be currently experiencing. Chiropractic care utilises a natural approach to health and healing.

Do I need a referral to see a Chiropractor?

We are always thankful for referrals from our colleagues and fellow health care providers, friends, family and neighbours, however, it is not a necessity. Chiropractic is a portal of entry health care profession, meaning you can walk in off the street with no referral necessary.

What is an Adjustment?

An Adjustment is a very specific and controlled impulse, provided to a specific joint or area of the body that is experiencing decreased function. We utilize many different techniques with specific traditional ‘manual’ (hands on) approaches as our core. However, we also utilize very specific instrument and table-assisted techniques too.

Who sees a Chiropractor?

We really enjoy caring for everyone from all sorts of backgrounds; Elite-athletes, business-people, pregnant-ladies, mums, dads, babies, students, professionals and many more. People present to our office with a range of different presentations and for many varying reasons; such as wanting to function or perform better, a wellness evaluation, to assist with pain relief, and because they understand chiropractic care plays a pivotal role in maintaining health and understand the benefits of being under regular chiropractic care.

I heard that you see pregnant ladies, babies and elderly people?

That is correct, all of our practitioners have specific training in caring for ‘special’ populations such as pregnant ladies, babies, and elderly people and populations.